Dr. Ibrahim Alladin (Canada)

(Adjenct Prof. Cape Breton, University, Canada)

Dr. Ibrahim Alladin stands as a distinguished figure in the realm of academia and literature. A prominent professor and prolific writer, his educational journey has taken him through the esteemed institutions of England, Canada, and Australia, nurturing a global perspective. As a well-known sociologist, his intellectual footprint spans across approximately twenty books, traversing diverse fields of knowledge. Notably, his literary contributions encompass subjects as wide-ranging as education, economic development, and cultural diversity.

Dr. Alladin’s recent work presents a testament to his versatility and insight. He has penned an engaging biography titled “Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui: His Life, Thoughts, and Message,” shedding light on the remarkable life of Maulana Abdul Aleem. Moreover, his literary prowess extends to the realm of fiction with his debut novel, “Blood and Rose.” Currently, he is immersed in the writing of a political biography, focusing on the influential Maulana Shah Noorani.

His expertise transcends the pages of his books. Dr. Alladin’s lectures have graced numerous universities around the world, where he has served as a visiting professor, imparting knowledge and wisdom to eager minds. This extensive global engagement has led him to travel through more than fifty countries, gaining insights and experiences that enrich his work.

In addition to his academic and literary pursuits, Dr. Alladin is deeply committed to various scholarly and humanitarian projects. He holds the role of advisor in the realms of education and development. Furthermore, as an adjunct professor at Cape Breton University in Canada, he continues to shape the future of academia. His involvement extends to the scholarly community as an external examiner for doctoral students and as a valued board member of the Open University of Mauritius.

Philanthropy holds a special place in his heart, and this commitment is manifested through his role as the Executive Director of the Alladin Foundation, a charitable organization he founded. Through this organization, he has made substantial contributions to the betterment of society.

Recognized for his exceptional contributions, Dr. Alladin is a Paul Harris Fellow, a testament to his dedication and service. Currently dividing his time between Canada and Mauritius, his impact on education, literature, and humanitarian endeavors continues to resonate globally.

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