Pro. Dr. Sohail Shafiq


Chairman Department of Islamic History, University of Karachi

Dr. Hafiz  Muhammad Sohail Shafiq  has been associated with  the University of Karachi since 2003. At present, he is serving as an Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of Islamic History. He is international Postdoctoral fellow of Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad. He obtained his PhD from the University of Karachi in 2009.

His academic  interests  include the study of  Muslim history, biography  and  religious and  educational institutions of Muslims. Along with his various academic, teaching and administrative responsibilities, he is also actively pursuing research activities.So far, about fifteen academic and research works have been published. Apart from this, many of his articles have been published in national and international research journals. He has presented research papers in several national and international conferences, workshops and seminars.

Many Phil and Ph. D research scholars have completed his research work under his supervision. He is also the editor of Islamic Research Journal Al-Tafseer (Karachi) and Assistant Editor of the research Journal “Alayam” (Karachi). In addition, he is also a member of the advisory and editorial board of several research journals. He has also been awarded many honors for his academic and teaching services.

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